Azakesh Vol'tanius



Azakesh is well known as being a mostly quiet man, choosing to quietly observe rather than get involved in anyone's business. However, he oft finds himself a bit too curious for his own good and may stick his nose into something he shouldn't if it may prove to be valuable for his studies into the behaviors of the people around him. The minds of the people around him often draw a morbid curiosity from the oft reclusive man.

However, he is not always so quiet. When he is around his friends and companions, he often takes up a much lighter tone to his voice, far less condescending and judgmental, going as far as to crack jokes and even smile if the mood catches him.

Other instances that cause the observant man to not hold his tongue are times in which his friends and companions are placed under attack or threatened in any manner, fiercely loyal to a fault when his trust is earned. He will fight with tooth and nail be it with his sharpened tongue or with the blades he carries upon his person, to defend the people he holds dear.


RANK: Third in Command of Lost Arcadia <ATLAS>
DUTIES: Holder of Contracts, Battle Strategist, Chief Researcher of Internal Affairs.

((More to come with the more he interacts with people!))

Feel Free to Recognize him if...

Your character has fought on the Bozjan Front.Your character visits Kugane/Shirogane often.Your character frequents libraries all over Eorzea.
Please, send me a tell if you'd like to be privy to some deeper information on Zak's Aether, all I ask is subtlety when it comes to the contents you learn, within reason to how your character would react.

OOC Stuffs

Walk-Ups are always welcomed when the RP tag is on!This character can be quite brash and very opinionated, so approach at your own discretion.IC is IC, OOC is OOC let's keep it separate.Player post times/lengths vary greatly depending on how the player feels. Please, be patient!If I miss a post, PLEASE send me a /Tell and I will get back to you as soon as possible.Have any questions or concerns? Send me a /Tell, let's talk about it.Player has VERY bad anxiety, so... again, be patient with me. T-T